I am back to Sheffield for my last eight weeks. Wow, time flies once again – incredible – but before I sound like a crying old man, I rather stop. The way back to Sheffield was a little bumpy, because due to the Queen’s birthday my train was cancelled (at least I think that was the reason). Fortunately, there was another train which I could take instead. Unfortunately, I had to stand the entire trip, which did not even go directly to Sheffield, but to some other city where I had to wait again for another train. However, for those who might have expected it took me ages – no – surprisingly I was faster on this connection than if I had gone with the train I was supposed to. Why? Good question, English railway network.
The Office in real Life
Another funny thing is that I got a letter inviting me to vote here in England. Well, probably the law in England is a little different from the one in Europe and foreigners are allowed to vote, but why did my English roommate not get such an invitation? Let us just say I like the English bureaucracy. After all, if you get along with all the flaws here, you can laugh a lot. It really reminds me of the hilarious TV show “The office”. All the jokes they were making are actually true in real life. But hey, nobody is perfect.
Sheffield is the epicenter of the UK
The last weekend here in Sheffield was pretty amazing, because we hosted the AIESEC National Social. For those of you who do not know about AIESEC – this is the student organization I went to India with. Anyway, a lot of AIESECers from all over the country came to spend a weekend with us in Sheffield. Starting with a very funny football tournament, we all did something for our health, apart from the basic idea of raising some money for a charity. Fortunately, the Sheffield team used the home advantage and won the tournament. Afterwards we spent the afternoon in the park where we started a raffle. Having five lucky numbers I was hoping to win the bottle of wine, which appeared to me as the best price. Guess what, the third number was one of mine and the price was – wait for it… the bottle of wine!
A Beauty Set for me
However, it was not the last price for me as I had another lucky number, but this time I was not really sure whether or not I should be happy. It was a beauty set which seemed much more suitable for women. Nevertheless, nobody wanted to exchange gifts and thus I got soap, candles, a towel and a mirror wrapped in red rose paper. Save your comments, please! The evening started with a pub crawl through Sheffield, which got me already quite drunk. Nonetheless, nearly all of us made it to the final destination – a party in the student’s union. I think it was an amazing evening for everybody. For some of us it was so amazing, that we still felt it the day after and came far too late to Sunday lunch where we were supposed to appear at around noon. Far too early for me!