Since many asked me, what I do at work, I want to tell you a little bit about it. In the beginning I had nothing at all to do, except to teach myself PHP. That was too dull for me, so I joined the only SEO person in the company. SEO means Search Engine Optimization. The whole point is to optimize websites, so that they are listed on top for certain keywords on Google or Yahoo (or other search engines). Hence, these pages get more visitors.
Expert in Search Engine Optimization
After studying this intensively for about two weeks, I got my first project last Monday. This is a German website that is totally stupid. This is why it was difficult for me to find suitable keywords. Nevertheless, on Friday I had my first number 1 ranking on Google.com! As I mentioned in one of my last posts, we were only two people in the new department ‘SEO’ and after my colleague moved to another company yesterday, I am now the only SEO expert here. Whereby expert is certainly a little far-fetched. That is actually how I earn my money. Besides discussions with my client. An English-speaking Turk who does not understand German and whose wife is responsible for the website. He also wants me to be involved in his next project.
Gaurav’s and Kirti’s Party
There were two birthday parties from my company last week. Friday was Gaurav’s and Kirti’s party. Kirti is one of my best mates here. He is very funny. The party was more of a gathering in a restaurant with a lot of vodka. That evening everything was ok. My colleagues wanted me to order for everyone, so of course not everybody got his favorite meal. My boss already said that he wants to see me drunk here once. You have to know that my boss is more a buddy than a boss. He should regret saying this the next day, but let us start from the beginning.
Maven Solution’s Party
On Saturday was the big birthday party of our company. My boss rented a whole fort for us, including a DJ with music and everything you need. That fort was awesome. My boss had picked up me, my roomies and Esther. The first time I was a bit irritated was when he bought 10 liters of vodka for 20 guys. Half of which did not drink alcohol at all. Some of the remaining could not stand much either. However, everything was still okay then. Upon arrival in the fort I was taught the Panjabi or Banghra dance for two hours. I believed, I did quite well at some point. Although my perception might have been blinded slightly by some of the vodka. When I needed a break, Esther and I had a closer look at the fort. Unfortunately, we missed the whole dinner, which turned out to be a disadvantage for what was about to come.
Far too much Vodka
After we were back, we had to listen to several childish comments. When this was clarified, the vodka round started. I was doing very well and that was the last thing I remember clearly. After that there are only fragments of information collected from my boss, my work colleagues and my roomies. Some said, I alone drank one liter of vodka. I cannot imagine that, but everybody says the same. My boss drove me home in his car and carried me to bed, because I was absolutely not able to walk any more. The next week at work my boss was not angry with me at all. He found it all amusing. My roomies were not angry either. At least the part of the party I remember was really good.
Experiencing a Monsoon
Yesterday after work there was a really heavy late monsoon rain here and I have to say, most Indians are a little soft. I was the only one on the road, apart from some cars who kindly greeted me with spontaneous water fountains. Just because the water was already 30 cm high on the road. Yes, I was a bit wet, but that was just a really nice extreme situation – well suited for cycling. Of course, I was still shopping, which the shop owner did not like too much, because he could wipe the wet floor after me. I still had to walk half an hour in the heavy rain and the road was meanwhile a river. It is fun walking through knee-high water knowing you do not have a hot shower at home. Today my colleagues told me that it was a pretty heavy late monsoon storm. Actually, for me it was helpful to have lightnings the whole time. Thus, I could see the way better, because after 6 pm it is already pitch-dark.